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Input Objects


input AuthenticationInput {


Operators for filtering on a list of Boolean fields
input BooleanListOperators {
inList: Boolean!


Operators for filtering on a Boolean field
input BooleanOperators {
isNull: Boolean


input CollectionFilterParameter {
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators
languageCode: StringOperators
position: NumberOperators
description: StringOperators
parentId: IDOperators


input CollectionListOptions {
topLevelOnly: Boolean
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input CollectionSortParameter {
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder
name: SortOrder
slug: SortOrder
position: SortOrder
description: SortOrder
parentId: SortOrder


input ConfigArgInput {
name: String!
A JSON stringified representation of the actual value
value: String!


input ConfigurableOperationInput {
code: String!
arguments: [ConfigArgInput!]!


Input used to create an Address.
The countryCode must correspond to a code property of a Country that has been defined in the
Vendure server. The code property is typically a 2-character ISO code such as "GB", "US", "DE" etc.
If an invalid code is passed, the mutation will fail.
input CreateAddressInput {
fullName: String
company: String
streetLine1: String!
streetLine2: String
city: String
province: String
postalCode: String
countryCode: String!
phoneNumber: String
defaultShippingAddress: Boolean
defaultBillingAddress: Boolean
customFields: JSON


input CreateCustomerInput {
title: String
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
phoneNumber: String
emailAddress: String!
customFields: JSON


input CustomerFilterParameter {
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators
firstName: StringOperators
lastName: StringOperators
phoneNumber: StringOperators
emailAddress: StringOperators


input CustomerListOptions {
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input CustomerSortParameter {
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder
title: SortOrder
firstName: SortOrder
lastName: SortOrder
phoneNumber: SortOrder
emailAddress: SortOrder


Operators for filtering on a list of Date fields
input DateListOperators {
inList: DateTime!


Operators for filtering on a DateTime field
input DateOperators {
before: DateTime
after: DateTime
between: DateRange
isNull: Boolean


input DateRange {
start: DateTime!
end: DateTime!


input FacetFilterParameter {
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators
languageCode: StringOperators


input FacetListOptions {
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input FacetSortParameter {
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder
name: SortOrder
code: SortOrder


Used to construct boolean expressions for filtering search results
by FacetValue ID. Examples:
* ID=1 OR ID=2: { facetValueFilters: [{ or: [1,2] }] }
* ID=1 AND ID=2: { facetValueFilters: [{ and: 1 }, { and: 2 }] }
* ID=1 AND (ID=2 OR ID=3): { facetValueFilters: [{ and: 1 }, { or: [2,3] }] }
input FacetValueFilterInput {
and: ID
or: [ID!]


input FacetValueFilterParameter {
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators
languageCode: StringOperators
facetId: IDOperators


input FacetValueListOptions {
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input FacetValueSortParameter {
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder
facetId: SortOrder
name: SortOrder
code: SortOrder


input HistoryEntryFilterParameter {
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators


input HistoryEntryListOptions {
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input HistoryEntrySortParameter {
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder


Operators for filtering on a list of ID fields
input IDListOperators {
inList: ID!


Operators for filtering on an ID field
input IDOperators {
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
isNull: Boolean


input NativeAuthInput {
username: String!
password: String!


Operators for filtering on a list of Number fields
input NumberListOperators {
inList: Float!


Operators for filtering on a Int or Float field
input NumberOperators {
eq: Float
lt: Float
lte: Float
gt: Float
gte: Float
between: NumberRange
isNull: Boolean


input NumberRange {
start: Float!
end: Float!


input OrderFilterParameter {
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators
orderPlacedAt: DateOperators
totalQuantity: NumberOperators
subTotal: NumberOperators
subTotalWithTax: NumberOperators
currencyCode: StringOperators
shipping: NumberOperators
shippingWithTax: NumberOperators
totalWithTax: NumberOperators


input OrderListOptions {
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input OrderSortParameter {
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder
orderPlacedAt: SortOrder
code: SortOrder
state: SortOrder
totalQuantity: SortOrder
subTotal: SortOrder
subTotalWithTax: SortOrder
shipping: SortOrder
shippingWithTax: SortOrder
total: SortOrder
totalWithTax: SortOrder


Passed as input to the addPaymentToOrder mutation.
input PaymentInput {
This field should correspond to the code property of a PaymentMethod.
method: String!
This field should contain arbitrary data passed to the specified PaymentMethodHandler's createPayment() method
as the "metadata" argument. For example, it could contain an ID for the payment and other
data generated by the payment provider.
metadata: JSON!


input ProductFilterParameter {
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators
languageCode: StringOperators
description: StringOperators


input ProductListOptions {
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input ProductSortParameter {
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder
name: SortOrder
slug: SortOrder
description: SortOrder


input ProductVariantFilterParameter {
productId: IDOperators
createdAt: DateOperators
updatedAt: DateOperators
languageCode: StringOperators
currencyCode: StringOperators
priceWithTax: NumberOperators
stockLevel: StringOperators


input ProductVariantListOptions {
Skips the first n results, for use in pagination
skip: Int
Takes n results, for use in pagination
take: Int
Specifies which properties to sort the results by
Allows the results to be filtered
Specifies whether multiple top-level "filter" fields should be combined with a logical AND or OR operation. Defaults to AND.
filterOperator: LogicalOperator


input ProductVariantSortParameter {
productId: SortOrder
createdAt: SortOrder
updatedAt: SortOrder
name: SortOrder
price: SortOrder
priceWithTax: SortOrder
stockLevel: SortOrder


input RegisterCustomerInput {
emailAddress: String!
title: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
phoneNumber: String
password: String


input SearchInput {
term: String
facetValueIds: [ID!]
facetValueOperator: LogicalOperator
facetValueFilters: [FacetValueFilterInput!]
collectionId: ID
collectionSlug: String
groupByProduct: Boolean
take: Int
skip: Int


input SearchResultSortParameter {
name: SortOrder
price: SortOrder


Operators for filtering on a list of String fields
input StringListOperators {
inList: String!


Operators for filtering on a String field
input StringOperators {
eq: String
notEq: String
contains: String
notContains: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
regex: String
isNull: Boolean


Input used to update an Address.
The countryCode must correspond to a code property of a Country that has been defined in the
Vendure server. The code property is typically a 2-character ISO code such as "GB", "US", "DE" etc.
If an invalid code is passed, the mutation will fail.
input UpdateAddressInput {
id: ID!
fullName: String
company: String
streetLine1: String
streetLine2: String
city: String
province: String
postalCode: String
countryCode: String
phoneNumber: String
defaultShippingAddress: Boolean
defaultBillingAddress: Boolean
customFields: JSON


input UpdateCustomerInput {
title: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
phoneNumber: String
customFields: JSON


input UpdateOrderInput {
customFields: JSON